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Front End React Developer.

As a React Developer, you will be responsible for developing and implementing user interface components using React.js workflows (Redux).

Back End Developer.

As a Backend Developer, you will be responsible for creating efficient and scalable backend solutions that power our system.

Data Engineer.

As a Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the data architecture of our organization.

Data Scientist.

Exactly what you think it is.


Pridruži nam se.

Tražimo talentirane i motivirane pojedince da se pridruže našem timu. Naš cilj je pronaći pojedince koji su strastveni prema svom radu i koji mogu donijeti nove ideje i perspektive na stol. Ako tražite novi izazov i priliku da budete dio dinamičnog i rastućeg tima, voljeli bismo čuti od vas.

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